Jorin Limited acquired by Process Imaging Limited


In 2022, Process Imaging Limited acquired Jorin Limited and its full product portfolio as part of our strategy to become the global leader in online liquid quality monitoring. We continue to develop our applications across liquid processing analysis in oil and gas, power generation, fuels, water treatment, discharge monitoring, chemicals, foods, and many other sectors.

Benefiting from Jorin’s 20+ years of product development and expertise, our safe area and benchtop analysers, the Process Imaging LP100A, and our hazardous area Zone 1 rated analysers, the Process Imaging MEx1A, are powered by Jorin ViPA’s state of the art image processing software. The Process Imaging analysers combine advanced cameras and lighting modules to provide a live video image of a process fluid, and this combined with the intelligent Jorin ViPA software provides real time information on the dispersed and suspended particles in a fluid system.

We capitalise on our decades of liquid treatment process experience by providing an onsite field service where we take our analytical capabilities and process knowledge into customer’s processes to deliver FEED data, chemical treatment optimisation, de-bottlenecking, equipment trial and selection, and process optimisation with live online data sets and a completely tailored approach to providing the physical and chemical data required, and the level of support and consultancy that best fits the client’s needs.

We provide a solution-based service, so if you need a rental instrument, consultancy services, laboratory or portable analysers, or fixed and automated analyser options, we will work with you to deliver a bespoke package that fits your needs.


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